Etymology. Epidendrum ibaguense (pronounced ee-bah-GAIN-say) is a species of epiphytic orchid of the genus Epidendrum which occurs in Trinidad, French Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia and Northern Brazil. (1792) In: Actes Soc. iNaturalist NZ View observations Donate Support NZPCN. This type of epidendrum orchids features long, thin stems, leathery leaves, and long-lasting flowers. They bloom in winter, spring, and summer. During warmer months, a 4-day or 5-day interval between watering or at least once a week watering is ideal. Para a multiplicação das plantas utilizou-se estaca e touceira como propágulos. Stem cuttings and rooted clusters were used as propagula, with the following substrates: de-fibered “xaxim”; plantmax; sand + plantmax (1:1). sworderi Broadway Homonyms Epidendrum macrocarpum Rich. Browse pictures and read growth / cultivation information about Species Orchid, Reed-Stem Epidendrum (Epidendrum ibaguense) supplied by member gardeners in the PlantFiles database at Dave's Garden. Epidendrum orchids with pseudobulbs Pseudobulb-type Epidendrum orchids, on the other hand, go into a period of orchid dormancy for a few weeks after it has bloomed. Die sind eigentlich nicht schwierig ind er Pflege. Instead, they thrive in a greenhouse or even the home interior. The terrestrial species grow well on low nutrient media such as sandy loam soil. Flowers in varying colors, including purple, white, yellow, and red, grow in clusters on long flower spikes. Os substratos utilizados foram: xaxim desfibrado; plantmax; areia grossa + plantmax, na proporção de 1:1 na mistura. The sand + plantmax substrate was an efficient substitute for the “xaxim”.O “samambaiaçu”, planta da qual o xaxim é retirado para ser usado como substrato, está em processo de extinção. (Orchidaceae) in alternative to “xaxim” substrates/
Propagação vegetativa de Epidendrum ibaguense Lindl. The plants were cultivated in plastic pots in a greenhouse with 50% of shadind light and watered three times a week. Die überwiegende Mehrheit der Arten wächst sympodial: die Triebe (Sprossen) wachsen entlang eines kriechenden Rhizoms. However, some of them are terrestrial and thrive on low nutrient growing media. Flower colours. To stimulate flowering, Epidendrum ibaguense does not need a period of rest. They are tolerant of low nutrient growing sites and can thrive well on bark or pots with orchid growing media. There are two main classifications of epidendrum orchids, according to Elvin Mcdonald’s Ortho’s All About Orchids. The genus name (from Greek επί, epi and δένδρον, dendron, "upon trees") refers to its epiphytic growth habit.. These are epidendrums with reed stems and epidendrums with pseudobulbs. Survival rate, number of shoots and shoots height were evaluated six months later. Wuchsform: lithophytisch. Zur Gattung Epidendrum zählt man über 1.500 Arten. Erstbeschreiber / Jahr: A. von Humboldt, A. Bonpland und K. Kunth/1815 Herkunft / Verbreitungsgebiet: tropisches Südamerika auf Boden und Felsen. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases (at no extra cost to you). Da hast du das gleiche Problem wie mit dem Acadama. Another common name of this Epidendrum species is Reed-Stemmed Orchids. If the leaves are turning brown, it only means that the plant is getting too much light. Bei der unter dem Namen Epidendrum 'Ballerina' vertriebenen Orchidee handelt es sich um Hybriden, basierend auf Epidendrum radicans oder Epidendrum ibaguense. Vegetative propagation of Epidendrum ibaguense Lindl. Epidendrum The Epidendrum group was established by Carl von LINNE in 1763. They are native to Mexico (2) and can be found throughout Central America. ", "Vegetative propagation of Epidendrum ibaguense Lindl. Hist. The common name refers to the lip of the flower called the labellum, which resembles a small cross. The plant reaches up to 1m in height as an epiphytic or terrestrial type of orchids. Epidendrum orchids are highly popular house plants that offer home gardeners with tons of variety in colors, forms, and sizes. Os substratos utilizados foram: xaxim desfibrado; plantmax; areia grossa + plantmax, na proporção de 1:1 na mistura. Orchids. and Epidendrum ibaguense Kunth . Stamford’s Epidendrum orchids (E. stamfordianum) is a medium-sized epiphytic species of epidendrums that can be found throughout South Mexico to Venezuela (3). One indication that your orchid plant is receiving a sufficient amount of light is the grassy green foliage. The required temperature of epidendrum orchids varies depending on the species. Available at: It produces up to 25 green to brownish flowers on a compact terminal raceme. The best propagulum was the rooted cluster. Nesse trabalho estudou-se a propagação vegetativa da orquídea brasileira Epidendrum ibaguense, utilizando-se diferentes substratos alternativos ao xaxim e diferentes propágulos. Daher würde sich ein gröberes Substrat gut eigenen. : Je nach Art variiert … Epidendrum orchid plants are among the most common and the most unusual forms of the flowers. Para a multiplicação das plantas utilizou-se estaca e touceira como propágulos. Great beginner's orchid - tough and easy to grow. State University of Londrina, " ich bin kein Epidendrum Spezialist aber so wie es aussieht, könnte das ein Epidendrum radicans oder eine Hybride damit sein. Water copiously and frequently while it’s growing, especially during warm months. The sand + plantmax substrate was an efficient substitute for the “xaxim”.O “samambaiaçu”, planta da qual o xaxim é retirado para ser usado como substrato, está em processo de extinção. Examples Epidendrum ibaguense and Epidendrum cinnabarimum. This study investigates the vegetative propagation the Epidendrum ibaguense using different substrates and propagula. As a rule of thumb, you will want to water more frequently (approximately every 4-5 days) during the warmer months and less frequently (once a week) in the cooler months. Das Vorkommen erstreckt sich von Süd- bis Mittelamerika. DOAJ is independent. (Orchidaceae) in alternative to “xaxim” substrates/
Propagação vegetativa de Epidendrum ibaguense Lindl. This group of orchids encompasses over 1,000 varieties of sub-tropical to tropical plants. Die Epidendrum Orchideen gehören zu der Familie der Orchidaceae und umfassen als Gattung ungefähr 1500 Arten. Os substratos utilizados foram: fibra de coco, casca de pinus, casa de térmita, esfagno e carvão, distribuídos em bandejas com 50 células em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições de dez plântulas. schomburgkii (Lindl.) In Florida, it is known only from a single location within the Fakahatchee Swamp in Collier County. Some species produce pseudobulbs, while others have cane-like stems. Species like Epidendrum Radicans (the reed-stem Epidendrum) are very tolerant of soil conditions, and they can be used to create beautiful raised flowerbeds. If you are thinking of incorporating one in your plant collection, one type to consider is epidendrums orchids. Verificou-se que o melhor propágulo foi o de touceira. We would value your expertise to identify these media and find their rightful places in the appropriate category structure. Also called the Nocturnal Epidendrum, the Night Scented Orchid or E. nocturnum flaunts beautiful blooms that are fragrant at night but usually don’t open; hence the name. When the roots are 2 to 4 inches long, detach the plantlets and plant in individual plant pots filled with a commercial orchid soil mixture. This epidendrum orchid occurs in the West Indies, Bahamas, and Central America, but is most common in South Florida. You can also use firk bark since it has good drainage and air circulation. That means most of them are not suited for long-term outdoor growing. This is necessary to acclimatize the plant and to prevent rotting of the roots from the transplant. Most are to be found in the Andes, at altitudes between 1,000 and 3,000 m. Their habitat varies from humid jungles to dry tropical forests, from sunny grassy slopes to … Orange, Red/Pink . The flowers, which are capable of self-pollination, feature long and slender petals and sepals, and three-lobed white lip at the center. (2020). Contents 1 Taxonomy This category contains unidentified, unclassified, unknown or mislabelled Epidendrum. Similarly, an Epidendrum planted in a clay pot in comparison to a plastic pot, requires more watering. Epidendrum ibaguense Kunth. The fire star orchids bloom between fall and spring on long flower stalks that reach up to 38 inches in length. Then, they go dormant for a few weeks after they bloomed. Thank you very much. Cutting off the spent flower stems would help your epidendrum plants to bloom again in two months. Orchids always make an exciting addition to any home garden, thanks to their unusual yet beautiful, often fragrant blooms and easy to care nature. Mar 6, 2019 - Explore WT Chiu's board "Epidendrum" on Pinterest. 2,5cm große Blüten in den Farben weiß/cremeweiß, rosa/pink, gelb bis rot, die in Dolden auf den Triebspitzen sitzen. This orchid has a very distinctive pendant habit and trailing, branching stems which makes it easy to identify even when it is not in flower. Bibliographic References. Publisher High quality Epidendrum gifts and merchandise. Epidendrum (Epidendrum spp.) Download PDF Comment on factsheet. Their habitat is mostly epiphytic, a few are terrestrial or rarely growing on bare rock, such as Epidendrum calanthum and Epidendrum saxatile. [online] Available at: ITIS Standard Report Page: Epidendrum radicans (2020). The flowers of this epidendrum orchid are fragrant and measure about 1.5 inches each. This study investigates the vegetative propagation the Epidendrum ibaguense using different substrates and propagula. The ideal humidity level for growing epidendrum orchids can be anywhere between 50% to 70%. Structural class. As avaliações de porcentagem de sobrevivência, número de brotos e altura média dos brotos foram realizadas após seis meses do início do experimento. O substrato areia + plantmax foi um eficiente substituto do xaxim. This species was named after Mr. Stamford, an English orchid enthusiast during the 1800s. Epidendrum ibaguense (Crucifix Orchid) - Orange - Crucifix Orchids have tough leathery leaves and long, thin stems with long lasting clusters of flowers. is a broad genus of orchids with over 1,500 known species. Examples include E. ibaguense and E. cinnabarimum. They need good air circulation and do well in 60 to 80 percent of humidity. The plant grows naturally in parts of Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Brazil at elevations between 600 to 3200 meters. Epidendrum ibaguense. Verificou-se que o melhor propágulo foi o de touceira. However, he called all the orchids that were known back then Epidendrum, which means lives on a tree.Depending on botanist and subdivision, this genus includes 1200 to 2500 species. O substra. These epidendrum orchids have terete stems and narrow elliptic leaves. Be careful, however, not to combine different species in a flowerbed as … Use a larger pot or container when repotting. These orchids prefer to have their roots completely dried out between watering. Name: Epidendrum ibaguense Gattung: Tribus Epidendreae, Subtribus Laeliinae Synonyme: Epidendrum radicans, Epidendrum calanthum, Epidendrum decipiens, Epidendrum fulgens. Occasionally, some Epidendrum species may produce pups (or keikis, the Hawaiian term for babies) on old stems and flowering spikes. Orchidaceae. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Epidendrum acunae, commonly known as Acuna's Star Orchid, is distributed in the West Indies, Mexico, Central America. Propagation: Easily propagated by division of pseudobulbous stems or offsets (new canes) that emerge from underground stems with a sharp knife. Chemical sterilization in in vitro propagation of Arundina bambusifolia Lindl. Though they are widespread as weeds in their natural range, these plants thrive well when grown in pots both indoors and outdoors. As plantas foram cultivadas em vasos de plástico em casa de vegetação com 50% de luminosidade e regadas três vezes por semana. The “samambaiaçu” plant from which the “xaxim” is taken, is in extinction. Because of their diverse nature, you can find different forms of epidendrums. The best propagulum was the rooted cluster. Epidendrum ibaguense Kunth – South American star orchid : Species: Epidendrum jamaicense Lindl. Crucifix orchids, otherwise known as Epidendrum ibaguense, is one of the most popular species of epidendrum orchids. Today we take a look at my Epidendrum collection, since there are quite a few new additions. All funding is via donations, 22% of which comes from sponsors and 78% from members and publisher members. The only species native to Epidendrum amphistomum, the Dingy Flowered Star Orchid, is distributed in the West Indies, Central America, northern South America and Florida. Though, most epidendrums prefer warm interior conditions but tolerate lower temperatures of up to about 50 degrees F (10 degrees C) though flower production may be negatively affected at this temperature. Esterilização química na propagação in vitro de Arundina bambusifolia Lindl. Read on below our comprehensive guide about these beautiful ornamental plants and learn about their facts, popular species, as well as growing and caring tips. The roseum variety, on the other hand, has petals and sepals that are green with red spots, and a noticeable pink lip. Watering frequency – as covered in this article about watering orchids – can be determined by a few different things. FLORAL MIMICRY BY EPIDENDRUM IBAGUENSE (ORCHIDACEAE) IN PANAMA THOMAS C. BOYDEN Department of Botany, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195 Received February 6, 1979. The flowering period is January to July but flowers may develop at any other time of year. The album variety has green petals, green sepals, and white and yellow lip. Epidendrum macrocarpum Name Synonyms Epidendrum ibaguense var. *Photo by PantherMediaSeller/depositphotos. Epidendrum / ˌ ɛ p ɪ ˈ d ɛ n d r əm /, abbreviated Epi in the horticultural trade, is a large neotropical genus of the orchid family.With more than 1,500 species, some authors describe it as a mega-genus. Mitunter ist der Spross zu Pseudobulben verdickt. Rich. The flowers are small, measuring about 2.5 cm to 4 cm in diameter, and can be orange, red, or yellow. Die etwa 2,5 cm durchmessenden, in Dolden an den Triebspitzen wachsenden Blüten findet man in den Farben weiß bis cremeweiß, rosa und pink oder gelb bis rötlich. We participate in some affiliate advertising programs including Amazon Associates Program. Each flower cluster usually has 30 to 40 long-lasting blooms. Not assessed. Insufficient light conditions, on the other hand, often result in reduced flower production. See more ideas about orchids, plants, cattleya. One distinctive feature of this plant is that it tends to grow roots all along the length of its stems, unlike most plants in the genus. The plants were cultivated in plastic pots in a greenhouse with 50% of shadind light and watered three times a week. The flowers are typically red-orange with hints of yellow throats, while the leaves are oval and leathery. Epidendrums with pseudobulbs, on the other hand, are epidendrum orchids that must be kept moist during flowering. For epidendrums to remain healthy, watering should be done regularly. DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. Foram utilizadas plântulas cultivadas em meio Knudson por dois meses, após desenvolvimento de folhas e enraizamento. Authority. Growing Orchids. micropropagadas da orquídea Epidendrum ibaguense. They are naturally found in Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, French Guiana, and Trinidad. Revised March 23, 1979 Mimicry in animals is a well-known field of research with an extensive litera­ ture. Chemical sterilization in in vitro propagation of Arundina bambusifolia Lindl. E. radicans, more popularly known as Fire Star Orchid, Rainbow Orchid, Reed-Stem Orchid, and Ground-Rooting Epidendrum, is another famed epidendrum species commonly grown as houseplants. The “samambaiaçu” plant from which the “xaxim” is taken, is in extinction. As with other orchid types, epidendrums prefer good drainage. Thank you for your support! Epidendrum orchids should be watered regularly and abundantly. Family. It blooms beautifully at any time of the year, with flowers measuring up to 1.2 cm wide each. Epidendrum, genus of more than 1,000 species of tropical and semitropical orchids (family Orchidaceae). Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Epidendrum schomburgkii Lindl. Die Blätter wachsen zweizeilig am Spross. Vegetative propagation of Epidendrum ibaguense Lindl. She spent her early career employed as a horticulturist and quality control officer for a landscape development and grounds maintenance company. Common name. As avaliações de porcentagem de sobrevivência, número de brotos e altura média dos brotos foram realizadas após seis meses do início do experimento. C.Schweinf. This study investigates the vegetative propagation the Epidendrum ibaguense using different substrates and propagula. They are also known as star orchids, crucifix orchids, and reed orchids. The images should probably be placed in subcategories of Category:Epidendrum. After flowering, the trunk of the plant is pruned, leaving 1-2 eyes to the base, and, if necessary, the orchid is transplanted and 2-3 days contain dry. … You may think it’s a handful, but once you’ve learned the basics, then you’re good to go! One thing to remember, though, is that these orchids can grow tall and may not be ideal as indoor houseplants. (Orchidaceae) em substratos alternativos ao xaxim. Temperaturbereich: … Stem cuttings and rooted clusters were used as propagula, with the following substrates: de-fibered “xaxim”; plantmax; sand + plantmax (1:1). Epidendrums prefer indirect medium to bright light conditions. Paris 1: 112 e Epidendrum ibaguense Kunth . Epidendrum schomburgkii var. album and Epidendrum stamfordianum var roseum. You can help encourage bud growth by withholding water for about a month, ho… Most species of epidendrum orchids are epiphytic, typically growing on trees. Use a balanced fertilizer (20-20-20) at a half-strength dose once a week, preferably every time you water, or every two weeks. Überwiegend stammen diese Orchideen aus dem tropischen und subtropischen Amerika und sind deshalb warme Temperaturen und eine hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit gewöhnt. Die spitz zulaufenden Blätter sitzen wechselständig direkt am Trieb; sie werden bis … Crucifex orchid. Du solltest die Pflanze zwischendurch ganz abtrocknen lassen. Though epidendrum care is minimal, feeding your plants with fertilizers is still beneficial. Available at:, Epidendrum stamfordianum (2020). In case you’ve no idea about the necessary growing and caring requirements of these fascinating blooms, here’s some info to help you get started. Growing epidendrum orchids is almost as easy as the other orchid types. Nesse trabalho estudou-se a propagação vegetativa da orquídea brasileira Epidendrum ibaguense, utilizando-se diferentes substratos alternativos ao xaxim e diferentes propágulos. Repotting is not necessary, but you can do it every three years or so to refresh the potting medium. These can be detached and potted individually as new plants once their aerial roots are 5-10 cm long. Vascular – Exotic. Kokoserde würde ich nicht nehmen. bot. The name epidendrum originated from the Greek words epi and dendron, which translates to “upon trees,” referring to the plants’ growth habit. Die im Handel erhältlichen Epidendrum 'Ballerina' sind Hybriden, basierend auf Epidendrum radicans oder Epidendrum ibaguense. They feature upright pseudobulbs where three to four oblong and leathery leaves emerge. Crucifix Orchid (Epidendrum ibaguense) Crucifix orchids, otherwise known as Epidendrum ibaguense, is one of the most popular species of epidendrum orchids. (Orchidaceae) in alternative to “xaxim” substrates/
Propagação vegetativa de Epidendrum ibaguense Lindl. Each bloom typically measures about 1 inch in diameter (1). and Epidendrum ibaguense Kunth There is a great demand for simpler and less costly laboratory techniques and for more accessible procedures for orchid breeders who do not have the necessary theoretical basis to use the traditional seed and clone production Flora category. Epidendrum incisum Vell. Der Trieb ist oft lang und schlank. to areia + plantmax foi um eficiente substituto do xaxim. (Orchidaceae) em substratos alternativos ao xaxim", Beatriz Meneguce; Rafael Broggi Domingues de Oliveira; Ricardo Tadeu de Faria, Sie blüht im Allgemeinen ausdauernd aus Neutrieben und hat ca. The “samambaiaçu” plant from which the “xaxim” is taken, is in extinction. Survival rate, number of shoots and shoots height were evaluated six months later. Conservation status. The lip features fringe-like edges. (Orchidaceae) em substratos alternativos ao xaxim E. secundum, more commonly known as Lopsided Star Orchid or Angel Orchid, is another type of crucifix orchid. More info bellow! Epidendrum orchids are distributed from southeastern North America to central South America and are primarily epiphytic, though some grow on rocks or in soil. Myrell is a professional writer with a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture major in Horticulture. These plants prefer daytime temperatures between 65 degrees F to 75 degrees F (18 degrees C to 24 degrees C) and nighttime temperatures between 55 degrees F to 60 degrees F (13 degrees C to 16 degrees C). Popular Epidendrum Orchid Species to Grow in Your Garden, Stamford’s Epidendrum (Epidendrum stamfordianum), Lopsided Star Orchid (Epidendrum secundum), Night Scented Orchid (Epidendrum nocturnum),, How To Grow and Care for Katuk (Sauropus androgynus), Top 8 Heat-Resistant Flowering Plants You Can Grow, Everything You Need To Know About Potato Flower, Everything You Need To Know about Pumpkin Flowers, Sea Grape Tree (Coccoloba uvifera): How To Grow and Care. Nat. Epidendrum radicans 'Ballerina' blüht im allgemeinen ausdauernd aus sich ständig bildenden Neutrieben. Epidendrum ibaguense Native distribution areas Reference: Brummitt, R.K. (2001) TDGW - World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2 nd Edition As plantas foram cultivadas em vasos de plástico em casa de vegetação com 50% de luminosidade e regadas três vezes por semana. They are naturally found in Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, French Guiana, and Trinidad. Stamford’s epidendrums prefer bright lights, warm conditions, and drying periods between watering. Two of the most popular varieties include Epidendrum stamfordianum var. This type of epidendrum orchids features long, thin stems, leathery leaves, and long-lasting flowers. One distinct common feature of most epidendrum orchids is their three-lobed lip that closes in on the center. Water your orchid plants every morning, so the leaves are dry by night time. Species that are part of this classification are E. radicans and E. obrienanum. The plants were cultivated in plastic pots in a greenhouse with 50% of shadind light and watered three times a week. This orchid has 5-13 elliptic leaves that alternate on the stem. The flowers’ colors and shapes also vary depending on the species and varieties. Epidendrum orchids with reed stems are epidendrums that showcase attractive flowers regularly. For that reason, they are often a favorite of many orchid enthusiasts as they make excellent cut flowers. Moreover, members of the Epidendrum genus can be unifoliate with a few shoots or bifoliate with densely arranged leaves. S all about orchids, and white and yellow lip must be kept moist during flowering ' sind,! Investigates the vegetative propagation of Epidendrum orchids that must be kept moist during flowering hat ca: University., but is most common in South Florida four oblong and leathery years or so to refresh the potting.... Bahamas, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world radicans 2020. Bis … bot unidentified, unclassified, unknown or mislabelled Epidendrum colors, including purple, white,,! Colombia, French Guiana, and more by independent artists and designers from around the.! Orchid - tough and easy to grow plantmax, na proporção de 1:1 na mistura stems would your! 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