If a repairable item fails, it is repaired and again put into operation. The mean time to failure can be calculated from operational records as the average of the group of measured times to failure. In practice, vendors commonly express product reliability as a percentage. Publishing on IntechOpen allows authors to earn citations and find new collaborators, meaning more people see your work not only from your own field of study, but from other related fields too. The characteristics of computer that are speed, accuracy, diligence, versatility,Power of Remembering,No IQ,No Feeling and storage capacity. Outside of specific contexts, computer performance is estimated in terms of accuracy, efficiency and speed of executing computer program instructions. Reliability If a packet gets lost or acknowledgement is not received (at sender), the re-transmission of data will be needed. When used for a longer period of time, the computer does not get tired or fatigued. The monitoring of operation and repairs of a certain machine has given the following durations of operations and repairs: tup,1 = 28 h, tdown,1 = 3 h, tup,2 = 16 h, tdown,2 = 2 h, tup,3 = 20 h, tdown,3 = 1 h, tup,4 = 10 h, tdown,4 = 3 h, tup,5 = 30 h, and tdown,5 = 2 h. Determine the mean time between failures and mean time to repair. If components with very long life are tested, the tests are usually terminated after some predefined time or after failure of certain fraction of all components. it performs tasks without manual intervention. Brief introduction to this section that descibes Open Access especially from an IntechOpen perspective, Want to get in touch? Help us write another book on this subject and reach those readers. If a group of identical objects is put into operation, the individual pieces begin to fail after some time, and it is also possible to express the number of failed pieces as a function of time, nf(t). The Basic Characteristics of Computer are as following :: Speed; Accuracy; Memory; Diligence; Versatility; Reliability; Low Cost & Reduced Size; Automatic; No Feeling & No IQ; Speed :: Reliability is an attribute of any computer-related component (software, or hardware, or a network, for example) that consistently performs according to its specifications. It’s based on principles of collaboration, unobstructed discovery, and, most importantly, scientific progression. Jaroslav Menčík (April 13th 2016). We share our knowledge and peer-reveiwed research papers with libraries, scientific and engineering societies, and also work with corporate R&D departments and government entities. The complementary quantity, coefficient of unavailability. Reliability: The dictionary meaning of reliability is consistency, depend­ence or trust. Available from: Department of Mechanics, Materials and Machine Parts, Jan Perner Transport Faculty, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic. In theory, a reliable product is totally free of technical errors. 1. Login to your personal dashboard for more detailed statistics on your publications. The computer has become a huge contributor in business. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The coefficient of availability simply says what part of the total time is available for useful work. Built by scientists, for scientists. Reliability 2. Automation Computer performs all the tasks automatically i.e. Failure rate expresses the probability of failure during a time unit but is related only to those objects that have remained in operation until the time t, that is, those that have not failed before the time t. Failure rate is defined as. For example, COA = 0.9 means that, on average, the vehicle (or machine) is only 90% of all time in operation, and 10% of the total time it is idle due to failures. In other words, there is a 90% probability that the object will be available when needed and a 10% probability that it will not be available. In such cases, modified formulas for MTTF must be used; see Chapter 20 or [1]. Complete List and Explanation on Computer Characteristics. It also expresses the average probability that the object will be able to fulfill the expected task at any instant. Software is defined as collection of computer programs, procedures, rules and data. A more accurate value of the instantaneous failure rate λ(t) can be obtained from several nf values occurring in a wider interval around the time t.]. When we say that a particular computer system "exhibits RAS characteristics,"we mean that its design places a high priority on the system remaining in service To reliably ensure the public traffic, 36 buses are thus necessary. Reliability characteristics for a technical installation are very important for the design of the installation. In addition to the net time of the repair, some logistic times are often necessary, which sometimes last much longer than the repair. One moment it can do any one operation and next moment if can perform any other operation. The reason behind this is the gradual growth of the companies which are in need of the place to store their data. How many reserve buses (Nr) are necessary? The coefficient of availability can be calculated as the number of operable buses, Nup, divided by the total number of vehicles, COA = Nup/Ntot, from which Ntot = Nup/COA. Equation (1) relates mutually three variables: λ, f, and R. Fortunately, it can be transformed into simple relationships of two quantities. Well before going into technical characteristics, I would like to state the obvious expectations one has from any software. The main characteristics of a computer are : The computer can process data very fast, at the rate of millions of instructions per second. After the next failure, it is again repaired and put into operation, etc. • Reliability is an important characteristic of flow. After a failure, the object is repaired and continues working. SPEED : In general, no human being can compete to solving the complex computation, faster than computer. Computer is an electronic device which is used to store the data, as per given instructions it gives results quickly and accurately. Here, one must distinguish between unrepaired and repaired objects depending on whether the failed object is discarded or repaired and again put into service. ACCURACY : Since Computer is programmed, so what ever input we give it gives result with accuratly. A) Computer Characteristics & … Two computers can be connected to send & receive data. It has been found that cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access the computing re… In a town, N = 30 buses are necessary for assuring reliable traffic on 15 routes. At one moment you can use the computer to prepare a letter document and in the next moment you may play music or print a document. These systems follow the same basic principles by which manual systems operate. The failed item is discarded. Reliability : The output generated by the computer is very reliable as long as the data is reliable. QoS is an overall performance measure of the computer network. The mean time between failures and mean time to repair can be used to characterize the probability that the object will be serviceable at a certain instant or not. Usability. Our team is growing all the time, so we’re always on the lookout for smart people who want to help us reshape the world of scientific publishing. A computer is free from monetary and tiredness. The four characteristics are: 1. says how many percent of the total time are downtimes. Determine the coefficient of availability (COA) and unavailability (COU). R is complementary to F. The probability density of the time to failure, f(t), expresses the probability of failure during a very short time interval ∆t at time t, related to this interval: the unit is s-1 or h-1. ADVERTISEMENTS: This article throws light upon the four important characteristics of a good test. 4. Flow of operations (uptimes, tup) and repairs (downtimes, td). The term reliability refers to the ability of a computer-related hardware or software component to consistently perform according to its specifications. Reliability: Because, computer is an electronic device thus it perform all operations with 100 % accuracy and reliability. The qualitative and quantitative description of computer based task performance is utilized as an example. Another way of calculation: COA = MTBF/(MTBF + MTTR) = 20.8/(20.8 + 2.2) = 0.90435 and COU = MTTR/(MTBF + MTTR) = 2.2/(20.8 + 2.2) = 0.09565. This is typical of simple unrepairable objects, such as lamp bulbs, screws, windows, integrated circuits, and many inexpensive parts. Main characteristics of a computer are Speed, Accuracy , Diligence, Storage Capability, Versatility , They can communicate, We can do multitasking It can perform long and complex calculations with the same speed and accuracy from the start till the end. The first generation computers were used vaccum tubes as the main electronic part. Mean time to repair and between repairs, coefficient of availability and unavailability, failure rate. MTBF is the mean time (of operation) between failures and MTTR is the mean time to repair (generally, the mean down time caused by failures). Important flow characteristics of the QoS are given below: 1. A more universal quantity is the relative proportion of the failed items, that is, the number of the failed items related to the number n of monitored objects, nf(t)/n. For memory devices punch card and paper tapes were used. To date our community has made over 100 million downloads. 3a in Chapter 2. The basic reliability characteristics are explained: time to failure, probability of failure and of failure-free operation, repairable and unrepairable objects. The power and usefulness of this popular machine is mainly due to the following features:-a) Speed b) Accuracy c) Diligence d) Versatile e) Storage f) Automatic g) Reliability a) Speed: - Computer can work at a very high speed. As PhD students, we found it difficult to access the research we needed, so we decided to create a new Open Access publisher that levels the playing field for scientists across the world. One can thus speak of a flow of operations and repairs (Fig. The increasing popularity of computer has proved that it is very powerful and useful machine. Some objects could be repaired after failure but are not, because of economic reasons. Reliability can affect only error prone by human mind. Some calculations that would have taken hours and days to complete otherwise, can be completed in a few seconds using the computer. Multitasking is also a computer characteristic. It must reminded here that the time of a repair is not always the same as the downtime when the object (e.g. Versatility: versatility is one of the most wonderful things about the computer. Special software’s are used for text and video chat. For example, calculation and generation of salary slips of thousands of employees of an organization, weather forecasting that requires analysis of a large amount of data related to temperature, pressure and humidity of various places, etc. But for a particular computer, each and every calculation is performed. A limited amount of data can be stored, temporarily, in the primary memory. If the reliability characteristics are taken into account as early as at the development stage and purposefully manipulated, huge costs can be saved on the basis of the greater availability which results. 1. Reliability is a very big characteristics of computer. Reliability can be characterized in terms of the parameters, mean, or any percentile of a reliability distribution. In complex systems, the failed part can also be replaced by a good one to reduce the downtime. Experience and research shows that good information has numerous qualities. Data : Data is a raw material of information. The coefficient of availability, COA, is defined as [2, 3]: where ∑tup is the sum of times of operation during the investigated interval (e.g. Reliability. In computing, computer performance is the amount of useful work accomplished by a computer system. A computer is reliable as it gives consistent result for similar set of data i.e., if we give same set of input any number of times, we will get the same result. Good information is that which is used and which creates value. Thus, the term nonrepaired objects can be used as more universal. An aid for easier remembering: the letter F is also the first letter of the word failure. The probability of failure-free operation R(t) expresses the probability that no failure occurs before the time t; R(t) shows the gradual loss of serviceable objects (Fig. Good information is relevant for its purpose, sufficiently accurate for its purpose, complete enough for the problem, reliable and targeted to the right person. © 2016 The Author(s). Therefore, companies are in competition to provide large space to store data along with the various features and quality service. Characteristic # 1. 1a). Also, the cost of developing and maintaining the software should be low. The coefficient of availability can also be calculated as. • However, the sensitivity of application programs to reliability is not the same. Secondary storage devices like floppy disk and compact disk can store a large amount of data permanently. Electronic time per calculation ranged from 0.1 milliseconds to1 milliseconds. Mean time between failures MTBF = ∑tup,j/n = (28 + 16 + 20 + 10 + 30)/5 = 104/5 = 20.8 h. Mean time to repair MTTR = ∑tdown,j/n = (3 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 2)/5 = 11/5 = 2.2 h. Coefficient of availability COA = ∑tup,j/ttot = ∑tup,j/(∑tup,j + ∑tdown,j) = 104/(104 + 11) = 0.90435. However, in most cases, the exponential distribution is used, and a single value, the mean time to failure (MTTF) for non-restorable systems, or mean time between failures (MTBF for restorable systems are used). Basically, failure rate expresses the probability of failure during a time unit. Information : Proper collection of the data is called information.Characteristics of Computer 1. Computers have the ability to communicate, but of course there needs some sort of connection (either Wired or Wireless connection). Accuracy Computer provides a high degree of accuracy. f(t) is the probability density of failure (=dF/dt), and R(t) is the probability that the object was operated until the time t. An illustrative idea of failure rate can be gained from a simple formula for its calculation from the data from operation: n is the total number of the monitored objects, nf(t) is the number of the objects failed until the time t, [nf(t + ∆t) – nf(t)] is the number of objects failed during the time from t to t + ∆t, and ∆t is a short time interval. Large volumes of data and information can be stored in the computer and also retrieved whenever required. The images used in this study were obtained from the Digital Database for Screening Mammography. 2). Licensee IntechOpen. Knowledge of what characteristics a record has is one way to make it possible to formalize records. • Lack of reliability means losing a packet or acknowledgement which then requires retransmission. So in measurement reliability is the consistency with which a test yields the same result […] 1. We are a community of more than 103,000 authors and editors from 3,291 institutions spanning 160 countries, including Nobel Prize winners and some of the world’s most-cited researchers. Examples for better understanding are included. Reliability is a synonym for assurance, which is the term used by the ITU and ATM Forum. Express the average probability (in %) that the machine (a) will be able to work at any instant (R) and (b) will not be able to work (F). Friends & family can connect over the internet and share files, photos & videos online. People use computer in business because of its features of storing volumes of data, multitasking ,performing complex calculation, working more efficiently than humans, it doesn’t have human traits such as envy,jealousy,tiredness, etc. Users usually experience less issues in Linux. The three basic metrics of RAM are (not surprisingly) Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability. Remark: Equation (6) is appropriate if all objects have failed. We are IntechOpen, the world's leading publisher of Open Access books. Two experienced radiologists measured the properties of 21 images of spiculated masses. Although Microsoft Windows has made great improvements in reliability in recent years, it's considered less reliable than Linux. The basic reliability characteristics are explained: time to failure, probability of failure and of failure-free operation, repairable and unrepairable objects. Contact our London head office or media team here. Specific attention is paid to reliability and complexity assessment of computer based task and the correlation between these vital characteristics of human performance. Tired or fatigued repairs ( downtimes, td ) period of time, only probability. Of 21 images of spiculated characteristics of computer reliability to store data along with the same basic by! 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