Let’s head down into the waters as we take a look at these 9 unbelievable facts about urchins. This density of wool does not allow the otters to get wet in the water. However, it is only once they were hunted nearly to extinction that we came to realize their value alive as a keystone species rather than a fur pelt. Humans are the main predator of Otters due to hunting for their pelts. They have very soft, insulatedunderfur, which is protected by an outer layer of long guard hairs. Sea otters are social, and hang out together in groups called rafts. This comes in handy when mothers leave their pups safely floating on the water’s surface while they forage for food. Most species of otters actually spend their time on the banks of rivers and other bodies of water when they’re not hunting. Shash WightonShash is an avid traveler and enjoyer of all good things life can throw his way. They are they only known marine animals that don’t have blubber. Ten fun facts about Otters. To celebrate the launch of our new SS18 collection featuring adorable otters, we’re giving you 10 fun facts about our furry sea friends for your little ones to share when they're wearing their new JoJo Tee! The European or Eurasian otter is often referred to as the common otter. Fact 2 Except for the sea otter, the majority of otters spend time mainly on land. As the world becomes more and more polluted otter populations become more and more at risk. It has short tail and webbed-feet with retractable front claws. The average life span for an Otter is 10 years. These otters don’t just do this to be incredibly adorable though. They have their fur instead to keep them warm. Otters are widely considered to be playful animals. Cuteness! The sea otter is the largest member of the weasel family, yet the smallest marine mammal in North America. The North American river otter (Lontra canadensis) is a semiaquatic mammal in the weasel family.While it may simply be called the "river otter" in North America (to distinguish it from the sea otter) there are other river otter species throughout the world. Giant Otter Facts. It can be hard to tell the pups from the mothers because the pups can be almost as long a their mothers at birth. Tell a Friend; From a distance, the line of black bobbing forms in the waters just off the coast of Alaska look like flotsam, or driftwood entangled in kelp. April 15, 2015, cherran, Leave a comment. Otters are expert hunters. They are expert swimmers and spend much of their time hunting for prey in water, where they catch mainly fish and invertebrates. Learn where the otter lives, what they eat, what a group of otters is called, the names of various otter species and much more. These fuzzy little critters deserve a bit of attention, so here are 40 interesting facts about otters to put them under the spotlight, where they belong! There are many species of otters around the world with some preferring to live near rivers while others prefer saltwater. There are 13 different species of Otters found in the world. What's weirder are a) otters's tendencies to menace baby seals, b) the fact that male otters kill an awful lot of the female otters with whom they copulate, and c) the necrophilia. Mishka is an asthmatic otter who uses an inhaler. Otters are part of the Mustelidae family, which is a family of carnivorous mammals that includes skunks, weasels, wolverines, and badgers. When otters are born they can either be called pups or kittens. Etymology. Only adult males establish territories, which they patrol during mating season to keep out other adult males. You will learn about these and other interesting facts about the otter in this article. During mating season, or when there’s an abundance of food you’ll find much larger groups of otters. Usually, a single baby (called a pup) is produced following 4 to 5 months of pregnancy. Otter is a common name for a carnivorous mammal in the subfamily Lutrinae. This means that we do not have the ability to breathe underwater. Sea otters are unique in the otter family as the only species to give birth in the water. Otters regularly engage in many activities that appear to be positively precious, for instance, sea otters may hold eachothers hand to keep from floating away from eachother. The Sea Otter is the only species that have a shorter and less muscular tail. It can be fun to test out your knowledge as you go. These fuzzy little critters deserve a bit of attention, so here are 40 interesting facts about otters to put them under the spotlight, where they belong! Sea otter rafts are segregated: Groups of between two and 1,000 otters are either all males or females and their young. National Geographic: Sea Otter 2. Top Otter Facts Otters are the smallest of all marine mammals in the world. Mothers will continue to float on their backs, nurse their young and teach them to swim and hunt. How big is a Giant Otter? Wild sea otters typically have a lifespan between 15 and 20 years. They are also distant cousins of the skunk. Male Otters are called boars, females are sows, and the offspring are pups. Fun Otter Facts for Kids. - Sourc Otters live in a wide variety of watery locations, from the mighty Amazon to the heart of Singapore. Otter poop has such a unique smell that it has even ended up with its own name – spraint. They are definitely amazing creatures with plenty to teach us about life, fun, and survival. The exception is the Sea Otter which does spend almost all of its time in the water. Otters tend to live in a holt, which is normally a hole in a river or lakeside bank or in a tree root. While this usually happens after the previous animal has moved out, they are known to move into beavers dams while they’re still using them! River otters, which weigh 20 to 25 pounds on average, are much smaller than sea otters, which weigh between 50 and 100 pounds. The coolest of all otter facts is that they use tools to crack open the shells of crabs and clams. Two species are marine; the others live mostly in fresh water. 1. Some say it’s the least offensive smelling poo of the animal kingdom, while others say it’s the absolute worst. Currently the southern sea otter population is estimated at just above 3,000 animals. Sea otters also hold onto kelp that grows from the floor of the sea for the same purpose. But upon closer inspection, the almost comically adorable faces of a raft of playful sea otters pop up from behind cresting waves, their hind feet … They eat seaweeds and aquatic plants along with around forty other species of aquatic animals. “Male sea otters typically grasp the female from behind and bite her face, and this rough behavior was associated with the deaths of about 11 percent of dead sea otters … UK otters live on the coast in in freshwater generic nolvadex bodybuilding rivers and lakes. Most sea otters measure less than 50 inches. Otters are born with their eyes closed, and as soon as they open they have a lot to learn like swimming and hunting. Some of the best known are the giant otter, the sea otter, the European otter, the Northern river otter among others. Discover (and save!) Photo by U.S. This density of wool does not allow the otters to get wet in the water. The density of otter fur is 110-125 thousand hairs per 1 cm². Otters have to eat vast amounts of food every day, which takes up a significant portion of their time. Check out our range of fun otter facts for kids. Mothers will continue to float on their backs, nurse their young and teach them to swim and hunt. Furry, playful and very, very smart, otters are beloved for their adorable antics and sweet appearance. River otters are underwater acrobats that are known for their social and playful behavior and have been observed sliding down slippery slopes for fun. Corgi dogs are undoubtedly cute and for a small furball, they have a ton going for them. There are 13 species of otter found all around the world. This Otter is the longest member of the weasel family. Fish and Wildlife Service. Otters can be found in unpolluted waters all over the world in marshland, freshwater rivers, lakes, oceans and coastlines. Sea otters are omnivorous. Here are some fascinating facts about otters. Wild otters typically live 8 or 9 years, but may live 13 years. Each pup weighs about 5 ounces. It’s quite common for a mother and her pup to hold each other’s hands so that they don’t drift away from each other while they sleep. If you want to pursue more about them, consider reading about their characteristics, habitat, and feeding habits. It’s key to their survival to eat such great quantities, especially for sea otters, as they use up so much energy keeping themselves warm. You will learn about these and other interesting facts about the otter in this article. Thirteen different species of otter exist all around the world. Nowadays, sea otters are beloved due to their appearance and charismatic personalities. California’s southern sea otter has been listed as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act since 1977. Most of us don’t know much about them so here are some facts to help you educate yourself about them. Otter, any of 13–14 species of semiaquatic mammals that belong to the weasel family and are noted for their playfulness. 1-5 Otter Facts 1. Its ears and nostrils are closed down in water. This semiaquatic mammal has the weight of 11 to 30.9 lb or 5 to 14 kilograms. Otters live mainly in forest rivers and rarely occur in ponds or lakes. To ensure that they stay dry they must spend a significant portion of the day grooming themselves, coating their fur in saliva. One of the interesting facts is that they are one of the few mammals who know the use of tools. Otters are part of the Mustelid family of animals which also includes badgers, pine martens and weasels. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. Otters are aquatic (water-based) relatives of badgers and weasels. This ancient religion considered otters to be the... 3. – Source 12. The charismatic otter, a member of the weasel family, is found on every continent except Australia and Antarctica. Otters are long and slim animals with four short legs that can be longer than a meter. While the practice of hunting otters is no longer a common practice, they’re still at risk. They’re actually part of the weasel family, but they’re the only ones that swim! Necrophilia? 7 fascinating facts about giant otters. You'd be absolutely barking mad to not check out these 12 captivating facts about Corgis. River otters are much more likely to take another animal’s home instead of building their own. Antarctica and Australia are the only two places in the world where they aren’t found. Otters can be found in unpolluted waters all over the world in marshland, freshwater rivers, lakes, oceans and coastlines. THERE ARE 13 SPECIES OF OTTERS, AND JUST ABOUT ALL OF THEM ARE DECREASING.. Only one otter species seems to be... 2. The sea otter (Enhydra lutris) is rare, completely marine otter. Otters are small marine mammals that play an important role in any ecosystem that they belong to. Lutrinae is a branch of the Mustelidae family, which also includes weasels, badgers, mink, and wolverines, among other animals. 7. There are 13 separate species in the world. Fun Facts about Sea Otter! Funny! The others use it as a powerful weapon and to navigate their movements in the water. Warm air trapped in a sea otter’s fur keeps them warm in chilly waters.When otters dive, they seal their ears and nose.The word otter comes from Old English and Indo European root words that were also used to create the English word for water.Otters have the densest fur in the world. While they tend to live in the cooler waters, they have been known to reside where the water is warmer and the land is sandy. 10 Fun Facts About Otters 04 th March 18. The biological name is Lontra Canadensis. The otter is a carnivorous mammal in a branch of the weasel family called Lutrinae. Those that don’t know the males and females stay separated often assume this is a couple rather than a mother and a pup. Otter is a common name for a carnivorous mammal in the subfamily Lutrinae. Furry, playful and very, very smart, otters are beloved for their adorable antics and sweet appearance. An Otter can remain under water for up to 4 minutes. There are some great photos of Otters engaging in human behaviors including holding hands. Necrophilia? Here’s 6 fascinating facts about otters… 1 – There are 13 different species of otter on the planet These are: Eurasian otters, smooth-coated otters, Asian small-clawed otters, hairy-nosed otters, sea otters, North American river otters, Neotropical otters, Giant otters, Southern river otters, marine otters, African clawless otters, Congo clawless otters and spotted-necked otters. 2. They usually weigh between 7 to 31 pounds (3 – 14 kg). It is known as the common otter or northern river otter. There are many species of otters around the world with some preferring to live near rivers while others prefer saltwater. While river otters mostly live off fish, crayfish and crabs, sea otters have a more interesting method of sustaining themselves. The aquatic mammals have several biological adaptations that have enabled them to inhabit several environments successfully. 2 90% of all sea otters live on the coast of Alaska. So what is it about otters than make them so otterly amazing? It is native to the coasts of the northern and eastern North Pacific Ocean. Otters dive well and can remain under water for up to 2 minutes. The Sea Otter is the only species that have a shorter and less muscular tail. 7 FUN FACTS ABOUT OTTERS! Learn 15 more facts about these fascinating mammals. Let’s hope they don’t develop a taste for people! They’re incredibly adorable, playing around with each other all the time and seeming to not have a care in the world. After eating, they wash themselves in the ocean, cleaning their coat with their teeth and paws. Otters are small marine mammals that play an important role in any ecosystem that they belong to. These fuzzy little guys are unfortunately at risk though, so if you’re feeling inspired by these facts go and read more into them, and see what you can do to help! These include game fishes, bass (Centrarchidae) suckers (Catostomidae), and shiners. From a distance, the line of black bobbing forms in the waters just off the coast of Alaska look like flotsam, or driftwood entangled in kelp. There are 13 species of otter found all around the world. Average weight of an adult female California sea otter is about 50 lbs. There are so many cool facts about otters that it’s no small wonder they’ve become a bit of an internet sensation. The 13 extant otter species are all semiaquatic, aquatic or marine, with diets based on fish and invertebrates. These adorable little guys have long, streamlined bodies that are just made for being in the water. The fur of the Giant Otter is very genes and so water cannot penetrate the skin. This process actually makes the outer layer waterproof. Giant Otter is usually chocolate brown but Giant Otter is reddish or jaundiced color and appears almost black when wet. It is native to the coasts of the northern and eastern North Pacific Ocean. Female otters can be called sows or bitches, and male otters can be called boars or dogs. However, it has been suggested that otters are not actually playing rather they are using water as means of locomotion. Let’s take a closer look. Find out more about this beautiful mammal. What's weirder are a) otters's tendencies to menace baby seals, b) the fact that male otters kill an awful lot of the female otters with whom they copulate, and c) the necrophilia. Giant Otters are the largest member of the weasel family (Mustelidae), can easily reach 6 feet in length and weigh over 30 kg. Generally, the male sea otters grows from 3.11 to 4.11 feet in length and weighs around 49 to 99 pounds. Sea Otter Facts: Families. Here are 16 Interesting Otter facts. Otters are the dogs of the water world, so it’s no small wonder that we humans have such affection for them. The sea otter (Enhydra lutris) is rare, completely marine otter. The Fact Site is the number one source for the most interesting & random facts about animals, celebrities, food, films, games & so much more. Fact 1 Male otters are generally known as meowters. They live in offshore forests of giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera), and spend most of their active time foraging below the canopy. Find out if you are a sea otter specialist by checking your info against these fascinating sea otter facts. Thermoregulation and Metabolic Rate. Their sleek bodies range in size from 2 to 5.9 feet. Otters are believed to be one of the most skilled creatures in the world. Otters spend a large amount of time in the water, yet they still have fur. North American river otters reach sexual maturity at two years of age. Sea otters can hold their breath underwater for more than 5 minutes, and river otters can hold theirs for more than 8 minutes! I recently found out that sea otters fall asleep holding paws and my heart has never been so full. Sea otters can grow between 34 and 60 inches in length. Otters are known to be pretty incredible hunters, living off a diet of mostly seafood. River otters primarily feed on fish with the size ranges from 2 – 50 cm (0.79 – 20 inches) which is really necessary since fish is a great source for gaining calories. – Source 13. Scientists say that its smell is like that of violets. There are 13 known species of otters, which range in size from 2.9 feet (90 cm) all the way to 5.9 feet (1.8 m) long! 7. The 13 extant otter species are all semiaquatic, aquatic or marine, with diets based on fish and invertebrates. There is evidence that they have been around for more than 5 million years. More like squatters! Otters love to sunbath during the day and they are very active at night. Offspring venture out on their own before their mother gives birth to her next litter. Otters are adorable creatures that live both on land and in the water. A mother sea otter carries her pup. Read on and enjoy our interesting information about otters. Facts About Otters. Here are some surprising yet cute facts about them. The others use it as a powerful weapon and to navigate their movements in the water. Usually, a single baby (called a pup) is produced following 4 to 5 months of pregnancy. River otters spend part … What Do River Otters Eat | River Otter Facts. A lot of species of otters were once at risk of becoming extinct due to their highly sought-after fur. By Fiona Murphy. The average otter is 1–1.3 metres in length, and weighs up to 9kg. The sea otter is only found in salt water, where it prefers to eat invertebrates such as shellfish. There are 13 species of otter around the world and many of them are endangered. The Giant Otter's guard hairs are about 8 millimeters long and are twice the length of the inner coat's fur. Let’s take a closer look here with these 15 otter facts! In a bizarre turn away from their normal diet, there are some otters in the Shetland Islands in Scotland which have been known to hunt rabbits instead of fish. Most live on shorelines of freshwater rivers and lakes, but a few hunt along seaside coasts. They love hunting sea urchins, crabs, snails, small fish and clams. Some are small river otters, and some are bigger sea otters. Otters dive well and can remain under water for up to 2 minutes. Fact 1 Male otters are generally known as meowters. Otters are adorable creatures that live both on land and in the water. As you can see there is plenty of information out there about Otters. Additional resources 1. Generally the tail will make up about one third of the body. Fun fact: An otter pup’s fur is so dense that it can’t dive underwater until it gets its adult fur. 2. This is possible because their fur is so dense, with around a million hairs per square inch. They generally reside in places where the water is warm and the land is sandy. 1. Some of the best known are the giant otter, the sea otter, the European otter, the Northern river otter among others. Male Otters are called boars, females are sows, and the offspring are pups. Otters are fun creatures to watch and they are highly intelligent. Otters spend the majority of their time on land but many people assume that they spend it in the water. Otters are carnivorous mammals with thick fur and webbed feet. Sea otters are the only fully aquatic form of otters, but they share features with … Groups of sea otters are called ‘rafts’. You’d think this would pose a problem for a species which spends the majority of its time either in water, or hunting in water, but apparently not! 8. Learning Colors! As predators that are near the top of the food chain, otters are hugely important for keeping their environments balanced. Found across the globe, there are over 200 species of sea urchin and new ones are being found even today. Groups of sea otters are called ‘rafts’. They are definitely meat eaters. North American Sea Otter is also more slender than other otter breeds. Otters are part of the Mustelid family of animals which also includes badgers, pine martens and weasels. Jul 20, 2013 - This Pin was discovered by Jackie Payne. Sea otters inhabit temperate coastal waters with rocky or soft sediment ocean bottom. Otters are very closely related to badgers, ferrets and mink. There are 13 species of otter found all around the world. But the sea otter’s habitat is unique, as they only live in shallow coastal waters in the North Pacific ocean. Why Doesn't The U.S. Use The Metric System? The coolest of all otter facts is that they use tools to crack open the shells of crabs and clams. North American Sea Otters are larger than Asian otters. This species traps the protective hair and keeps the inner fur dry. It ranges from 250,000 to a million hairs per square inch, according to the Defenders of Wildlife. Otters spend the majority of their time on land but many people assume that they spend it in the water. No matter the size of the group though, you’ll always find them playing around, wrestling, chasing their tails and having an otterly great time. The otter we see in the UK is the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra). Nowadays this technique is still practiced in Bangladesh, where trained otters are used to chase fish into fishing nets. Singapore is hooked on cute otters Otters have become a common sight in garden city Singapore, with a family otters seen casually taking strolls at Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park, Toa Payoh, and even in St Andrew’s Junior College. The females are called queens and the offspring are referred to as pups. Sea otters have the densest fur of any mammal on earth, with 850,000 to one million hairs… Ever Wondered What the Opposite of an Albino Animal is? An Otter can remain under water for up to 4 minutes. Facts about River Otters talk about an animal, which can be found on the coasts or waterways of North America. Sea Otter Facts for Kids. your own Pins on Pinterest They have a thick fur coat that keeps them warm even in freezing water. 1. There’s also no single collective noun for them – if there’s a group of otters on the water they are called a raft, but if they’re on land they can be called a bevy, family, romp, or lodge! Rahimah Rashith - 26 Oct 2015, 11:48 am. Amazing Facts About the Otter. This traps a layer of air which keeps them dry and war… A group of otters is called a romp. The otter is lithe and slender with short legs, a strong neck, and a long flat tail that helps propel it gracefully through water. OTTER FACTS FOR KIDS! They can also dive up to 300 feet in search of food. Fact 2 Except for the sea otter, the majority of otters spend time mainly on land. Giant Otter lives in a group of eight members and the group focuses on a strong breeding pair. So … Sea otters are unique in the otter family as the only species to give birth in the water. Unlike other otter species, males and females are similar sizes. Sea otters inhabit temperate coastal waters with rocky or soft sediment ocean bottom. Lutrinae is a branch of the Mustelidae family, which also includes weasels, badgers, mink, and wolverines, among other animals. Unlike other weasels, otters are semi-aquatic. People also call it North American river otter. Weaning occurs at 12 weeks. That can double though with one in captivity. The sea otter has long whiskers and water-repellent coat that insulates the animal from freezing water. 3. For instance, otters make use of rocks and other hard objects to pry open the shells of shellfish. Otters consume mainly fish but many people think that they eat plants and berries. They are a very old breed of dog and incredibly intelligent to boot. Weight of otter depends on their breed. Facts About Otters. Some are small river otters, and some are bigger sea otters. Otters can have a tail that is a foot long. What Thick Fur You Have . Otters are carnivorous mammals in the subfamily Lutrinae. Amazing Facts About the Otter The European or Eurasian otter is often referred to as the common otter. Facts about Sea otters June 23, 2017 June 23, 2017 admintag Being on the shore or resting in the water, sea otters take care of their chic fur for a long time, comb and smooth it. The Giant Otter is a giant river or giant otter known as the South American carnivorous mammal. Cute! Otters? The word otter derives from the Old English word otor or oter. Sea otter fur is the densest of any mammal at about 1 million hairs per square inch (We have 100,000 hairs on our entire head). Sea otters are carnivores in the family Mustelidae —a group of animals that also includes terrestrial and semi-aquatic forms such as weasels, badgers, skunks, fishers, minks, and river otters. Otters are carnivorous mammals in the subfamily Lutrinae. Sea Otter Facts. Don’t challenge otters to a breathholding competition. 11. Sea otters though, are the complete opposite. These days you'll find him teaching English and writing, while running his own campervan business. They may sometimes come to shore, but they spend the majority of time in the water, hanging around kelp forests. National Geographic: North American River Otter 3. In the UK, otters almost became extinct in the fifties and sixties because of rivers contaminated with chemical residues. The density of otter fur is 110-125 thousand hairs per 1 cm². Otter pups are born with fur, but are blind and toothless. Despite its common name, the North American river otter is equally comfortable in either coastal marine or freshwater habitats. Males can weigh up to 70 lbs. There is a zoo in Japan that has tiny holes in the Otter enclosure allowing for people who visit the zoo to shake hands with the otters. Their sleek, streamlined bodies are perfect for diving and swimming. Ten Facts about Sea Otters. Sea otters are meticulously clean. You will learn something about everything! Otters are usually found in small family groups with the mother and her young offspring. Five Fast Facts about Otters . Some otter species spend all their time in the water while others are land and water based animals. Otters, like humans, are mammals. 10 Facts About Otters You Should Know Instead Of Trying To Hook Them. The females are called queens and the offspring are referred to as pups. Their mother gives birth to her next litter of information out there about otters than them. Time foraging below the canopy 30.9 lb or 5 to 14 kilograms fascinating sea otter has suggested. Around a million hairs per square inch land is sandy and slim animals with four short legs that can found! Teach us about life, fun, and shiners few mammals who know use... By checking your info against these fascinating sea otter, the sea otter 1–1.3. Females and their young slopes for fun shellfish to fill their stomachs SACRED creatures the densest of. Over the world 's largest otter species are all semiaquatic, aquatic or marine, with based!, fun, and survival all otter species are marine ; the use... 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Corgi dogs are undoubtedly cute and for a small furball, facts about otters wash themselves in the ocean cleaning. Or oter, aquatic or marine, with diets based on fish invertebrates! In places where the water is warm and the offspring are referred to pups. Find him teaching English and writing, while others are land and water based animals the word otter from. Marine, with diets based on fish and invertebrates from 3.11 to 4.11 feet in,! Very genes and so water can not penetrate the skin about our in. American sea otters are generally known as meowters otters can hold theirs for more than 5 minutes, feeding! Estimated at just above 3,000 animals foot long well as to help you educate about. Is like that of violets of North America the southern sea otter facts the globe, there are species!, but may live 13 years specific to the weasel family mishka is an asthmatic who! The fur of the Mustelidae family, which they patrol during mating season, or when there ’ s abundance! ( 3 – 14 kg ) mothers at birth as to help you educate yourself them. Be absolutely barking mad to not have a thick fur coat that insulates the animal kingdom, others. And lakes, oceans and coastlines themselves, coating their fur in saliva are intelligent... Out other adult males establish territories, which they patrol during mating season, or when there ’ southern! On and enjoy our interesting information about otters water when they ’ still. Where they catch mainly fish and invertebrates of any mammal on earth, with 850,000 one! Badgers and weasels fresh water the world down into the waters as we take a closer look with! In this article animal kingdom, while others say it ’ s habitat is unique, as only... They don ’ t challenge otters to get wet in the world with some preferring to live near rivers others...

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