To take advantage of this, you should give a lot of opportunities for your German Shepherd Dog to meet and play with other dogs. The more exposure they get, the more comfortable they’ll likely be. It depends on the dog. The treat should also be a special treat that you only give to your German Shepherd when other dogs are around. Yes, GSDs (esp females are known for it) can be intolerant of other dogs; some of it is that aloofness the breed is known for but much of it is inborn temperament. German Shepherds are naturally protective. They can be vicious, disobedient, and too rough to have around your children. It can be a result of an accident, or you want to breed your german shepherd dog. Ideally, you want them to get both as puppies. Favorite Answer. Explore our list of best dog breeds for multi-pet households to find dogs that are good with cats, other dogs and other pets. What’s important is that, when they do encounter other dogs, they don’t suffer from excess nerves and anxiety that could lead to dog-directed aggressive behavior. German Shepherd is a very Dominant kind of dog. A great option could be a Dog park. German shepherds are one of the best … However, the truth is that they consider humans as animals. The positive attention and treat should stop when the other dog goes away. The boiled down answer to this question is that German Shepherds generally don’t have an issue when it comes to other dogs. German Shepherds are not as good with cats compared to other breeds such as Golden Retrievers. They can try to be dominant towards other dogs. 2) They Can’t Be Taken Anywhere. But, classical conditioning through positive reinforcement is probably the safest and most effective. Income School LLC is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies.”. German shepherd dogs can be very friendly and at the same time aggressive with other dogs or pets. Training your dog and your kids how to interact with one another is key. This can lead to aggression with strangers and other dogs later in it’s life. At first, expose them briefly and from afar. Never let them together when you cannot supervise. So, are German Shepherds good with kids? This just goes to show how dogs liking other dogs, people, and even places are based on their experiences. This blog is based on personal experience owning a German Shepherd, which is not to be considered veterinary advice. But in the majority of cases, they’re great with other pets. They do not become friends with other dogs if they see them as a threat. Il pastore tedesco viene allevato per proteggere mandrie o fare la guardia alle case. Some Owners also train their German Shepherd dogs to be aggressive. If the new dog you are bringing home is a puppy. Although making friends with other dogs would be good for them, it’s not absolutely essential. In this post, I am going to teach you everything you need to make your German shepherd is friendly with other Dogs or pets and other people. If you cannot, then introduce them gradually and stay alert so you can correct behaviors before they become a habit. At around 2-3 months, they’re ready to join human families, which is when you take over their socialization. Observe their behavior and get them closer and closer to each other as you gain more confidence in their temperament. Does your German Shepherd like other dogs? But what about other dogs – Are German Shepherds good with other dogs? If the older dog tries to bite the puppy say firmly “no” and walk him away. German Shepherds have a higher impulse to chase and catch something than other dog breeds. If one dog is submissive, the things are usually ok. They never sit still, so you won’t be … Before start working with someone, it is vital to make sure you are comfortable with his training techniques and methods. His aggressive behavior can be a result of poor socialization and poor training. If you have a German Shepherd puppy, begin by introducing him to well-trained dogs that you know are friendly and are fully vaccinated. For example, if a German Shepherd Dog is Aggressive towards other Pets, it can be because his owner does not pay enough attention to his training and socialization. If after a few months the things does not change and your dogs cannot stay together, it can be considered a wrong match. They are, after all, a social animal. The behavior of a German shepherd dog with other dogs can depend on a lot of factors. Some German Shepherds are good with cats while others can be aggressive towards them. German Shepherds are intelligent and loyal. But are German Shepherds good with other dogs? They might be the last breed that you should consider as a family dog. However, most GSD parents will…, Your email address will not be published. If you have a female dog at home, it is a good idea to bring a male German Shepherd. This is most common among GSDs that didn’t grow up with other dogs but enjoyed being the center of attention of their humans. Once again, this really depends on the training and socialization you give them. If you walk in a park with your German shepherd Dog and he is Barking to everyone, then you will surely appreciate a friendly one. Most importantly, you won’t ever have to fear encounters with other dogs when you’re out for walks. Even though they have some popularity due to their beautiful appearance, wolfdogs are some of the most aggressive dogs around. However, because they are an intelligent working breed, it’s not unusual for them to be somewhat aloof when encountering dogs for the first time. Required fields are marked *. During this time, it’s critical that you expose them to other dogs. But once another dog has gained their trust, it’s easy for them to become fast friends. Are German Shepherds Good with Other Dogs? It depends on how your German shepherd dog can socialize with the new dog. We can’t say for sure, but all German Shepherds should be able to be trained to be nice to other dogs. Then talk with the clients and ask them about the trainer. That might lead them to become unfriendly towards a dog that they believe might take their food, toys, or other items that they love. Here are 15 reasons German Shepherds make horrible family dogs: 1) They Are Bred For Work. In those cases, it’s critical to first understand the reasons behind their behavior. I think this is because she has been attacked multiple times by smaller breed dogs. They can be aggressive towards dogs of same-sex but most of the German shepherds are good with other dogs and pets. It is entirely wrong in my experience. Your email address will not be published. Don’t feel satisfied with that answer, read on for a more in-depth look. Nevertheless, even German Shepherds that don’t really like other dogs will often tolerate them. That won’t be good when your German Shepherd is fully grown, as it can scare a lot of people. This is one of … It’s important to note, however, that individual German Shepherds could dislike or even become aggressive towards other dogs. Not only is that the responsible thing to do to keep you and your dog safe, but any untoward incident that may occur with such dogs is not something they’ll easily forget. Do not let your older Dog harass the puppy. Sometimes, they’re friendly to most dogs but not others. I've had multiple German Shepherds living harmoniously with my Chihuahuas and cats. German Shepherd dogs could be an excellent choice if you are considering to adopt a German Shepherd Dog as a Family pet. German Shepherds and Chihuahuas can get along, although they have strong, dominant personalities, bringing them together can be difficult. That fear could manifest as aggression if it isn’t corrected through proper exposure and behavior modification training. This is not a question of breed but of temperament and socialization. Are German Shepherds good with other pets? It might take weeks or even months, depending on how reactive your dog is. Early socialization is the key. It is always good to bring a dog with different sex of the once you have. But according to the ATTS, the GSD has one of the best pass rates (85.3%) for temperaments. I think most of the dogs can be excellent family pets, but it all depends on the type of training you provide them. It is no secret that some German Shepherds tend to be aggressive. TaranDigital ltd is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Well, it doesn’t which is why German Shepherds don’t make good family dogs. They can be rebellious and too rough to have around your kids. It is a good idea if you can leave your first dog at a friends house while you let the new dog stay at home and make him feel comfortable and familiar with the new house. That’s critical to their socialization because it is their family that teaches them how to play nice with other dogs. A Gsd can Get... Come Addestrare Un Pastore Tedesco Alla Guardia. They can be aggressive towards dogs of same-sex but most of the German shepherds are good with other dogs and pets. I Own a German Shepherd And I Love him so much. In the beginning, it is better to separate the toys of the dogs to avoid their wrong behavior between the two dogs. On the other hand, if you have adopted an amiable German Shepherd dog who likes to play and socialize with other dogs and pets, then that is great! Some get along with others, some don't. If you have adopted an adult German Shepherd, then your shelter or breeder should be able to give you more information about his behavior. They don’t enjoy being left alone and prefer to spend all their time with their family. Dog parks can be great places for your shepherd to play and meet other dogs; however, they can make for bad experiences if things get out of hand. Since many are part Shepherd, they often end up in homes with a German Shepherd present. German Shepherd dogs love to stay in the company, play and move all day. If you socialize the dog early on, they … Training German Shepherds to be friendly with other dogs is just a matter of exposure in a supervised and highly controlled environment. Here is a great video that demonstrates how german shepherds can be the ultimate family dog: It is essential to supervise your dogs in the beginning. But some individuals aren't so tolerant of other dogs of the same sex. But this is a learned behavior. Every dog indeed has its personality and temperament, but judging every dog only by Its name is incorrect. While German Shepherds can be the perfect pet even for households with young kids, it’s important to note that, just like any other dog, they aren’t always inherently that way. I train Dogs To Live and for me, it is a dream job ( the best I could have). And, if they are socialized properly from a young age, they will usually be great with other dogs. German Shepherds are well known for being loyal, “one person” dogs. Overall, German Shepherds are typically worse with cats than most other breeds due to their strong prey drive. It will help the older dog to accept the new one. As a social animal, German shepherds often have positive interactions with other animals. Remember that it doesn’t happen all at once. For these reasons, owners may wonder what the German Shepherd’s relationship with a young puppy will be like, especially when they intend to get a new dog. Then you should take your adult dog to your friend’s house at the beginning. It's a natural instinct, doesn't necessarily mean that German Shepherds are aggressive. Had my dog not had so many negative experiences with smaller dogs, I believe she would have enjoyed being around them now. One issue however that German Shepherds are prone to be hip deformity. GERMAN SHEPHERD COMPATIBILITY Click here for this breed's profile. Welcome to German Shepherd Dog HQ! Since then we have had multiple little dogs literally come out into the street while we were walking to bark and growl and try and bite my girl. German Shepherds are not prone to illnesses or breathing issues like many other dog breeds; this will save the senior thousands in medical bills. German shepherd dogs can be very friendly and at the same time aggressive with other dogs or pets. If they haven’t been around other dogs, they could feel unsure around them and cause them to be on high alert. German Shepherds will approach unfamiliar dogs with caution. Are German Shepherds Good with Other Pets? link to How Long Do German Shepherd Reproduce? Begin with introducing your puppy or Dog to well trained and friendly dogs. Dogs who are not socialized as puppies tend not to do well as adults. Here are the most common reasons why GSDs might not like some dogs or even all dogs in general: Poorly socialized German Shepherds are often skittish. Expert behaviorists ( specialists of dogs behavior) say that a German Shepherd Behavior Can be modified if you take the right steps. Key 0 - Worst choice 10 - Best choice . If he likes to play and stay together with other dogs, then you can think about getting a new dog. Again, with the proper socialization (experiencing your dog to other dogs, people, animals, and environments) and training, your dog will be really good. A friend of mine has a german shepard, along with 14 other dogs and he does wonderful with the … German Shepherds are generally good with other dogs. They’re my favorite kind of German Shepherd but they make for poor companion dogs for most people. … But, there’s usually a reason why. Do German Shepherds Drink A Lot Of Water. This question is tough to answer because there is not much research on this topic, but there are still some important considerations you can do before getting a new Dog. IT IS BASED ON OUR EXPERIENCE AND RESEARCH AND IS NOT … The best pairing you can do is between two different sex type dogs. The adult dog finds it easy to accept the puppy if he is already at home ( this technique is used by some parents to introduce a newborn baby to their child). Sometimes the older dogs try to be dominant towards the new ones. The German Shepherd is a breed of dog that is very careful with strange dogs and people that are not from their closest environment and for being highly perceptive of their surroundings. You can find information on training, health, puppies, and products that will help make owning your GSD easier. Con un buon allenamento, diventeranno cani da guardia perfetti. So, they’re stable dogs that respond well to unpredictability, such as kids. A dog park is only as good as the people who are there with their dogs. It is often misunderstood that being a social animal means only interacting with dogs or cats. In my experience, two dogs with same-sex hardly can get well together. Dogs can get aggressive if someone enters their territory. Consult different trainers and try to select the best. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS LIST IS MEANT TO BE A GUIDELINE ONLY AS EACH DOG IS UNIQUE AND BREED IS ONLY ONE INDICATOR OF TEMPERAMENT WITH MANY OTHER FACTORS PLAYING A ROLE. If you have a dog which can play with him, this could be great, but it is crucial to take some cautions before you introduce a new dog. With the right training and socialization, German Shepherds are very good with other dogs and pets, despite what some people may believe. My German Shepherd Allie doesn’t like small dogs. If you have an older GSD, don’t worry. What if you already have a Dog at home and you want to bring a German Shepherd to live alongside him? Arrange meet-ups with well-behaved dogs that have confident and experienced handlers. So, schedule plenty of puppy play dates and take them to daycare as often as possible. Even if you don’t plan on taking in another dog, there are plenty of advantages to making sure that your German Shepherd plays nicely with other dogs. The German Shepherd can make a great dog for older kids, though they can pose a danger without proper socializing. However, some German Shepherds show strong predatory/chasing behavior toward cats and other animals that run. Yes, one thing that really matters as I mentioned before is the sex of the dog. How to train Your German Shepherd Dog To Be A Guard Dog? Whether or not you have or plan to have other dogs at home, it’s critical for your German Shepherd to behave properly towards other dogs. Most German Shepherds are fine with other dogs if they are introduced when they are young. Give her lots of opportunities to meet other (friendly) dogs of all shapes and sizes. Doing so will allow them to develop their confidence, social skills, and manners. In my own experience, I think the most important thing is not the breed of a dog but what is the character of an individual animal and how it has been trained. You might think that doing this would reinforce bad behavior but behaviorists argue that it creates a strong positive association with other dogs that overrides the bad behavior. Although it’s not always avoidable, try your best to keep your German Shepherd away from dogs that aren’t properly trained or those that act aggressively towards them. If you have the opportunity to train the dog from early on in its life, your German Shepherd can actually be a nice, gentle dog. However, despite their intimidating size and demeanor, properly social… If your breeder will not be able to help you he will refer you to someone expert. That might even include you or another member of your family. The best way to achieve this is to introduce other pets to your German Shepherd while it is still a puppy, as this is the phase when your dog really is a blank page. Depends on the dog’s individual temperament as much as the breed. German Shepherds are indeed protective, but they are generally great with children and other pets. Legal liabilities. In Dog parks, aggressive dogs should not be allowed but there are always some people who do not respect the rules, so it is good to be careful. German Shepherds are one of the most trainable breeds in the world. Let me know in the comments! There are several things you can do to ease the tension between the 2 Dogs and keep them safe. German Shepherd Dog HQ is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to La maggior parte dei cani da guardia è... is a site about German Shepherd Dogs. Yes and no! Whether you have another dog, a cat or other animals in your home, it’s important to ensure the next dog you bring into your family gets along well with other animals. This is an excellent question. Our Mission is to bring Geniune information about the Loyal and Fantastic Dogs. Owners should watch out for aggressive traits, however, if not properly trained. This depends on various reasons. She was never leery of smaller dogs before these incidents, but now when she sees one, she is less than thrilled. If you have bought a German Shepherd that is very aggressive, do not try to get rid of him instead give him a chance. Are German Shepherds Good With Other Dogs? Better to keep this breed on a leash. Unpleasant experiences with other dogs (e.g., being threatened or attacked) could easily make them distrust all dogs in general. It might take more time and patience, but it’s definitely still possible to socialize adult dogs. Having a German shepherd that does not like anyone can be a big problem. My German Shepherds likes larger dogs. His aggressive behavior can be a result of poor socialization and poor training. For the first 2 or 3 months, keep your dogs separate while you can’t supervise them to keep them safe. Overall, socializing your German Shepherd with other dogs helps them become more confident and also gives you some peace of mind. The first time she was attacked by a Chihuahua when she was only a puppy at the dog park. However, for some pets especially cats, being friends isn’t the first thing to come in mind. Shower them with treats, petting, and praises to condition them to associate good feelings with other dogs. While they are aloof with strangers, they are extremely affectionate with their family. What is the temperamet of a German Shepherd Dog? Sometimes I wonder if she can recognize a dog of the same breed. So are German Shepherds good with kids? I created this website to give information to Dog owners, especially German Shepherd Dogs, and try to solve their problems. How to Make Your German Shepherd Dog Love You? German Shepherds Don’t Make Good Family Dogs. Slowly he will understand that he does not have to bite the puppy. Also, if you ever need to be away for longer than a few hours, it’ll be easier to leave them at a daycare or even with friends who might be pet owners too. Ideally, they’ll encounter many different dogs of a variety of temperaments so that they have opportunities to deepen their social skills. The…, German Shepherds, and dogs generally, can growl for a number of reasons, not just aggression. How much exercise does German Shepherd need A Day?. German Shepherds are the very last breed that you should consider as a family dog. “This site is owned and operated by TaranDigital ltd, a limited liability company headquartered in London, Uk. German Shepherd Dog HQ is not claiming to be an expert on German Shepherds, nor do we provide veterinary advice. Their feedback will help you a lot to understand if the trainer is good or not. German Shepherds sometimes may not like other dogs. But generally speaking for the german shepherd, they have not been known to be aggressive towards dog but the media has put it out they are aggressive to people. They’re afraid of many things, sounds, and situations that they haven’t had enough exposure to. If you have a Dog and you bring home a German Shepherd puppy you should consider: If you are bringing another adult dog you should pay attention to these things: If you have a German shepherd dog, you can be worried about which dog can fit perfectly as it a companion. His aggressive behavior can be a result of poor … Perhaps you’re wondering if your german shepherd will be good with any of the other pets you have in your house. We all know that German Shepherds make great police dogs but how can that translate into a family setting. Be sure to take your dog out and introduce it to many new people as early and as often as you can. If your German shepherd has problems to socialize with new dogs, it is better to get the help that your dog deserves. If they are raised with other dogs, they are likely to get along with them. Growling…, German Shepherds are mostly known for their intelligence, courage, and agility. Things to Remember. German shepherds and cats are not supposed to be the best combination, that is if we’re talking … Don't let that get to you though. On the other hand, if you are introducing your German Shepherd puppy to new puppies and he is getting aggressive towards them then take him away from them and come back when he calms down. Different trainers have different theories about the best way to train dogs to be comfortable around other dogs. Dog Breeds List considers the German Shepherd a good match for most other breeds. For begin, you can contact the breeder or breed rescue from whom you purchased the German shepherd dog and explain to him the problems you are facing with him and how you tried to face them. What Do German Shepherd Puppies Like To play? link to Come Addestrare Un Pastore Tedesco Alla Guardia, How to get your German Shepherd Gain Weight. We want to provide you the information necessary to Train and live an extraordinary Life with Your German Shepherd Dog. So, to be safe, you may want to … Some dog breeds are known to love the water or are specifically bred for swimming. They never take the time to unwind. Here are some of the most important things you can do to help your dog get along with other dogs: Reputable breeders know the importance of keeping puppies with their litter and mom for the first few months of their lives. German Shepherds have earned the reputation with children as being both a babysitter and a cop, because of their gentle nature and protective instincts. TaranDigital ltd also participates in affiliate programs with Bluehost, Clickbank, CJ, ShareASale, and other sites. German shepherd dogs are very friendly and can be aggressive with other dogs or pets at the same time. Even after you’ve successfully trained your dog to be comfortable and friendly with other dogs, it’s essential that you expose them often. They are fiercely loyal to their owners, and will often disregard or even show disdain towards people other than their owner. Another factor is that the bloodlines of German Shepherds have shifted a bit over the last decade or so, as the working lines that police have been importing for several years have seeped into the companion dog market and those dogs need to work, work, work. 1 decade ago. It can take up to 2 to 3 months to the new dog to feel comfortable. Are German Shepherds Friendly Around Other Dogs? Observe if Other adult dogs are showing signs of aggression or trying to control your puppy. Even your social life will benefit as you get to make friends with other dog parents. How Long Can a German Shepherd Dog can Live? Nevertheless, it’s always best to take it slow and let your dog’s behavior dictate the pace. This site is your resource to all things about German Shepherds based on my personal experience owning my first Shepherd and what I've learned over 8 years. The behavior of a German shepherd dog with other dogs can depend on a lot of factors. Try to introduce him to new pets in a neutral area ( where nor the dog or puppy will claim as its own). Sometimes, they can be unsure or aggressive towards other dogs, but proper training can avoid any of these problems you may find in a German Shepherd. Chances are, they’ll remember that and become skittish around other dogs from then on. You must provide your GSD with a home that allows them to thrive in order to expect a safe and productive relationship between children and your dog. In the household, it’s common for them to become attached to their humans. German Shepherd dogs like to be dominant, and if you bring another dog with different sex, they will not feel challenged. But just as quickly as they can learn a trick, they could learn to be distrustful of dogs. However, studies suggest that GSDs are above average in aggression towards other dogs. They can be aggressive towards same gender dogs but most German shepherds are good with other dogs and pets. Sometimes, they could dislike only dogs with a look or size similar to those involved in their past experiences. This will prevent aggression, territorial issues and other problems that may arise. PetMD. German Shepherds are one of the best watch dogs for good reason. She loves playing with other German Shepherds. German Shepherds are generally good with other dogs. Are German Shepherds good family dogs? Most White Shepherds are good with other dogs and cats in their own family. For some pets, getting along is only natural since German shepherds are calm and friendly. If you socialize your German Shepherd Dog with other pets and humans from the beginning, then there should not be any problem. This will open up plenty of activity options, including play dates that will allow them to just be dogs with other dogs. The answer to the question of whether a German Shepherd is good with kids is a simple yes, just as long as you understand the nature and temperament of the dog that you are bringing into your home. The answer is YES, They are! The German Shepherd is an incredibly social breed. Dogs like the company of other dogs. White Shepherds may be lumped in with other German Shepherds for purposes of "banning" in certain areas, or refusal of homeowner insurance policies. 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